Ivana Holub d.h.s.(med)
Ivana Holub, received her diploma in Homeopathic Science and Medicine in 1999 from the Hahnemann College of Homeopathy (York University) & the Toronto School of Homeopathy (University of Toronto). She has done much of her pre-med training at Guelph University. Working as a Veterinarian Technician for a number of years utilizing her skills with both large and small animals, she has gained extensive knowledge of animals. From the beginning she had a passion for horses and utilizes Homeopathy to treat stubborn and otherwise non-treatable conditions. She does frequent seminars on various topics related to Homeopathy and wellness. Her first book entitled, Homeopathic First Aid for Horses covers information we all need to know if we have Horses, for either pleasure or for business. With either one, our animal’s Health and Safety are the most important to us! Ivana Holub is available for small or large seminars, please see our “Seminars” section for information.